April 04, 2006
Posted by
Mark Reichel
/ 6:11 AM /
MusicIP, the California based digital music technology company, recently obtained a patent regarding audio fingerprinting. U.S. Patent No. 7,013,301 ("Audio fingerprinting system and method"), issued on March 14th, discloses several methods and systems for "automatically identifying unknown audio pieces, and more specifically, to a system and method for efficiently identifying unknown audio pieces via their audio fingerprints." The independent claim of the patent teaches a method for audio fingerprinting comprising the receipt of an audio signal, obtaining frequency measurements, building a matrix based on those measurements, and decomposing the matrix to generate a digital fingerprint to be stored and used for the identification of audio pieces. In its patent, MusicIP stated its invention as satisfying the need for "a fingerprinting system that provides a reliable, fast, and robust identification of audio pieces," whereby "[s]uch a system should be configured to reduce the search space in performing the identification for a better matching accuracy and speed."
U.S. Patent No. 7,013,301: LINK
PRWeb Press Release: LINK
MusicIP Website: LINK
U.S. Patent No. 7,013,301: LINK
PRWeb Press Release: LINK
MusicIP Website: LINK
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