June 19, 2006
Posted by
Mark Reichel
/ 8:51 AM /
On July 12-13, 2006, the USPTO will be presenting its “CONFERENCE ON PROTECTING YOUR INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY IN CHINA AND THE GLOBAL MARKETPLACE,” focusing on companies of all sizes looking to market and manufacture their products overseas with a particular emphasis on China. This event will be held in Seattle, WA, at the Grand Hyatt Seattle. According to the conference website, the topics to be discussed include "China’s laws and regulations that may affect how a business protects and enforces its intellectual property, how best to protect business assets to avoid intellectual property problems in the first place, how to recognize when an intellectual property asset has been infringed, what to do if infringement occurs, and what the U.S. government is doing to improve the intellectual property protection and enforcement environment in China." The formal conference agenda was not finalized at the time this post was prepared, but will be available shortly from the conference website link below. Similar to the other recent USPTO global IP conferences, this event is free, but registration is required.
USPTO Conference Webpage: LINK
Online Conference Registration Form: LINK
Grand Hyatt Seattle Website: LINK
Conference FAQs: LINK
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