April 30, 2008
Posted by
Mark Reichel
/ 9:24 AM /
Yesterday the European Patent Office (EPO) announced that it has made the current Oral proceedings calendar available from the EPO website. As noted within the EPO announcement (link below), one "can search for oral proceedings by patent application number, date or location," and that "[t]he extended search enables you to combine fields such the name of the applicant(s) or proprietor(s) and opponent(s) or representative(s). " The EPO further notes that "[n]o advance registration is necessary when attending public oral proceedings at the European Patent Office…," but space limitations in certain cases may limit the number of people who may attend on a "first come, first served" basis. A direct link to the calendar itself is provided below.
EPO Announcement: LINK
Oral Proceedings Calendar: LINK
EPO Announcement: LINK
Oral Proceedings Calendar: LINK
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