June 12, 2008
Posted by
Mark Reichel
/ 8:35 AM /
Next Friday (June 20th), the USPTO will be hosting its next one-day seminar in Baltimore, Maryland, highlighting “practical information on how businesses can protect their own intellectual property rights both in the United States and overseas as well as discuss the growing threats of counterfeiting and piracy.” This seminar (main webpage link below) will be held at the Mt. Washington Conference Center, and will include sessions on copyrights (by Ben Hardman, Attorney Advisor, Office of Intellectual Property Policy and Enforcement (OIPPE), USPTO), patents (by Marina Lamm, Attorney Advisor, OIPPE), trademarks, and intellectual property enforcement. This is a free seminar, but prior registration is recommended and available through the last link below.
Seminar Webpage: LINK
Seminar Agenda: LINK
Seminar Registration: LINK
Seminar Webpage: LINK
Seminar Agenda: LINK
Seminar Registration: LINK
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