September 16, 2008
Posted by
Mark Reichel
/ 8:29 AM /
On September 3 and 4, 2008, the European Patent Office (EPO) and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) hosted a conference to discuss recent advances in the analysis of innovation regarding patent statistics. As noted within the original conference description (first link below), the conference “aims at gathering original analytical investigations that build on recent data and address relevant questions for companies and policy makers including valuation of patents, patenting strategies, the links between technology and markets, patenting activity by universities and entrepreneurship.”
On September 12, the EPO posted a number of PDF presentations on its websites from speakers at that conference. A complete listing of the available presentations is provided within the second link below. Some of the presentations include the following:
“Shining a Light” – Ciaran McGinley, Controller, European Patent Office (PDF LINK)
“The use of patent data to estimate patent value” – Nils Omland, WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management (PDF LINK)
“Usage of, or Involvement in Science: What Matters for Firm Technological Performance?” – Bart Leten, Stijn Kelchtermans, and Rene Belderbos (PDF LINK)
“Development of international harmonized industry-based patent statistics” – T. Okazaki (OECD), G. Thoma (Japan Patent Office), and N. Yamano (University of Camerino) (PDF LINK)
(If you have difficulty opening these PDFs directly, try saving them to your desktop and opening them directly from your own PC.)
EPO/OECD Conference Webpage: LINK
EPO/OECD Presentation Webpage: LINK
On September 12, the EPO posted a number of PDF presentations on its websites from speakers at that conference. A complete listing of the available presentations is provided within the second link below. Some of the presentations include the following:
“Shining a Light” – Ciaran McGinley, Controller, European Patent Office (PDF LINK)
“The use of patent data to estimate patent value” – Nils Omland, WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management (PDF LINK)
“Usage of, or Involvement in Science: What Matters for Firm Technological Performance?” – Bart Leten, Stijn Kelchtermans, and Rene Belderbos (PDF LINK)
“Development of international harmonized industry-based patent statistics” – T. Okazaki (OECD), G. Thoma (Japan Patent Office), and N. Yamano (University of Camerino) (PDF LINK)
(If you have difficulty opening these PDFs directly, try saving them to your desktop and opening them directly from your own PC.)
EPO/OECD Conference Webpage: LINK
EPO/OECD Presentation Webpage: LINK
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